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So...Why Crotchless Panties?

April 19 2017 – Serpent Lane

Why Wear Crotchless Panties
Why Wear Crotchless Panties



have you tried crotchless panties?


So...Why should I wear crotchless panties?

What a delicious question. If only all my days were spent pondering the reasoning behind crotchless lacies. This question has come up for me recently since I filmed a piece for BuzzFeed Ladylike where the ladies of Ladylike challenged themselves to try crotchless panties for a day. You can see all the hilarious hijinks that ensued here.

After talking about it with friends, there was a common theme amongst all of them.

“Why not just go commando?”

Look, let’s get really real here. Most women are not using crotchless panties as their, “Hey, I’m going to the supermarket and picking up some quinoa” pair of panties. No, most women when going about their life are wearing their daily underwear in whatever form that feels best for them-thong, bikini briefs, commando, granny panty etc. Typically, a crotchless panty isn’t meant for the ordinary day to day lifestyle.

It’s for…you know…special times.

When I explain this to my friends, they then say…”yeah, but why not just go commando then? That’s hot!”

Yes, undoubtedly that is true, but gals, crotchless panties are hot because you’re dressed and undressed at the same time! You’ve got this beautiful frame of soft fabric and textured lace to bring attention to what is the happiest place on earth. Haven’t you ever bought a piece of lingerie, whether a bra or chemise and been so happy to have it on your body and you’re feeling all fabulous, and then….it’s off in less than 60 seconds. In the back of your mind your inner pragmatist is thinking, “wait, I paid good money for this thing.” With crotchless panties, you’re meant to keep them on. They aren’t just an appetizer.

So then that brings up the question- “Are crotchless panties only meant to be enjoyed with a lover?” Of course not! As I said in the BuzzFeed video, wearing crotchless panties on a regular day is the sexiest secret in the world between you and your body. What if you got yourself a risqué pair of panties to wear at your next important meeting or networking event? Or possibly even on a Friday night out where you have no intention of anyone ever laying eyes on your skivvies. How would that change how you interact with people? Would you feel a little more confident? Might you even feel more empowered with this sexy secret? A sexy bra is awesome, but crotchless panties, now that’s really upping the boldness game.

All in all crotchless panties are meant to be sexy fun. Just the word alone makes most people want to snicker in a high school adolescence kind of way. Embrace that reaction and allow yourself some sexy play. Look, sexuality and your inner sexy is a deep profound experience that I teach women to embrace on a soulful level every day, but if you take it all too seriously you run the danger of making it so sacred that you miss out on all the fun and lightness it can also offer. Try out a crotchless panty for yourself or for a lover and see what happens. If you need a little guidance, check out my favorite picks below and see which ones strike your fancy.

Who knows, you might find you enjoy the breeze.


Lane's Crotchless Panty Picks

Best Starter Panty
Claudia Panty
"A smaller crotch opening means this panty is a nice way to begin your foray into crotchless panties. Perfect for easing your way into it."

Claudia Crotchless Panty

Most Comfy
Lace + Dots Panty
"Soft and sheer, this panty is perfect for those who want some lacy comfort with their sexy."

Lace + Dots Crotchless Panty

Most Daring Panty
Cage Panty
"Leaving little to the imagination, this panty is perfect for those who want to feel extra bold and provocative in their choice of panty."

Cage Crotchless Panty

Best Hipster Cut Panty
Arleta Panty
"Perfect for those who love the cut and feel of a hipster panty but want to add an extra dash of spice to their intimates."


Best Thong Panty
Wild Cage Panty
"If you want to be able to have a seamless look while experimenting with crotchless panties, then the panty that comes with the Wild Cage Panty is the perfect fit for exploring a crotchless panty with a thong silhouette."

Crotchless Thong Panty